Stellar designs for modern women authors.
Making your books look gorgeous from cover to promotion.
Here’s the tea…
publishing is evolving.
You have more power than ever to forge your path to publication success.
But with great power, comes great responsibility. Finishing your book wasn’t the end of your adventure... You owe it to your story to give her truly gorgeous representation in visual form!

Don’t worry - you don’t have to go it alone.
Every heroine worth their salt needs support. Hey, I’m Jessica. Otherwise known as the Samwise to your Frodo. The Peeta to your Katniss. The Calcifer to your Howl. I help you manifest the visuals you’ve always dreamt of for your stories.
A professional designer makes a big difference.
You can bet your Golden Snitch that I know what I’m doing around a computer.
Thinking of DIY-ing it?
You’ll need to learn the basics of design.
Are you an expert in Photoshop? In-Design? Illustrator? Get ready, because you’ll need to learn those, too.
When things go sideways, you’ll have to keep your cool and figure it out.
Dude. Hire a profesh.
You’ll have experienced direction & support from concept to print.
We’ll manifest your ideas into stylish designs that can keep up with the bestsellers.
Smooth sailing over here, baby. I do the headache work so you can focus on your WRITING.

“This is self published?
Wow, I never would have guessed!
It’s gorgeous!”
Do you know how good it feels to hear those words?
I do. It’s absolutely fabulous.
Let’s side step that big ol’ elephant in the room - you know, the one that says indie publishing has a bad rap in the industry. Because it does. The good news is, we’re here to change that perception. Your story is phenomenal. You put in as much work, if not more, than any author on the NYT Bestseller list. Don’t just send her out into the world with a shabby cover or dismal promos! Set her up for success.
Stellar designs for your stories.
The custom cover design of your dreams, crafted with purpose to convey the soul of your story. Hardback? Paperback? E-book? I’ve got you covered.
Looking for elements like social media cover images, graphic IRL mockups for your website, or social posts? Don’t forget cool stuff like postcards and bookmarks…
One of the most important elements of your book - making sure your words look beautiful and professional once they print. E-book formatting is also a big deal!
Did you know that even some bestselling authors have horrible websites? Well, that won’t be you, baby! Your author platform starts here, so don’t neglect your website.

You want the 411?
I’ve been in graphic design and marketing for 11+ years, and I’m skilled at what I do. I love listening to people. Really listening. That means I care about where you’re coming from, what you want, and how to make it happen. I’ve been where you are. I’ve written my own books and indie published from start to finish all by my lonesome. It’s an adventure, but it takes some serious work to get there!